Our libraries offer a wide range of events and programs catered specifically for adults. From book clubs to workshops to hobbies and special interest groups, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
Our libraries offer a wide range diverse programs and events for adults. Most of these events are offered within our library branches where possible. Some programs and events will be offered online – details of these events are available on the Library What’s On page. To access eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and other eResources visit the eLibrary. For online databases and authoritative websites view our wide range of Research Databases.
Colouring in the Library
Colouring in for adults has shown to have many positive effects on well-being. Designs and pencils provided, or you are welcome to bring your own. Supervised children and young adults are also welcome.
All welcome, no bookings required.
Colour Me Calm
Bateau Bay Library
This informal group meets for an hour or two of colouring in. We supply everything you require to join in this fun, creative and relaxing hobby.
Meets on the first and third Friday of each month, 10am-12pm
Enquiries: (02) 4350 1580Social Art Groups
Are you a practising artist or adventurous art lover?
Then come along for an art get-together with exchanges of ideas and techniques.
All welcome, no bookings required.Woy Woy Library Social Art Group
Woy Woy Library
Meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month, 2-4pm
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7555 -
Do you love reading? Do you want to share your opinions on literature? Or do you just want to connect with people from your community?
Why not join one of our bookclubs that run at our library branches?
For details including days, times and costs please contact your preferred library branch or email library@centralcoast.nsw.gov.au.
Please note, the annual $50.00 Book Club membership fee (per club) is payable following submission of a Book Club registration form. Payments are accepted at Council Customer Service Centres.
- Library Guideline – Library Book Club Membership
- Download Book Club FAQ
- Download Book Club Registration Form
- Download Current Book Club Box List
- Download New Titles Book Club Box - Supplementary List for 2024
Book Club Groups 2024
Bateau Bay Library
4th Tuesday of the month, 11amWaitlist
Gosford Library
Second Monday of the month, 11.30amVacancies
Gosford Library
First Wednesday of the month, 10.30amWaitlist
Erina Library
First Friday of the month, 9.30amVacancies
Erina Library
First Friday of the month, 2pmVacancies
Kariong Library
Last Friday of the month, 10am-12pmVacancies
Kincumber Library
Third Monday of the month, 2.30amVacancies
Kincumber Library
Second Tuesday of the month, 10.30amWaitlist
Kincumber Library
First Thursday of the month, 2.30pmWaitlist
Lake Haven Library
Every four weeks on Thursday, 11amWaitlist
Toukley Library
First Wednesday of the month, 10.30amWaitlist
Toukley Library
Second Wednesday of the month, 10.30amWaitlist
Toukley Library
Second Thursday of the month, 10amVacancies
Tuggerah Library
Second Wednesday of the month, 2pmWaitlist
Tuggerah Library
Third Wednesday of the month, 10amVacancies
Umina Beach Library
First Wednesday of the month, 10amWaitlist
Woy Woy Library
First Thursday of the month, 2pmWaitlist
Community Services
Carers NSW information
Representatives of Carers NSW will be in the library to provide information on the services available for carers in our community. Carers provide care and support to a friend or family member who has a disability or other condition requiring ongoing care. No bookings required.
Woy Woy Library
First Thursday of each month, 9.30am-12pm
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7555Form-filling assistance and JP services
A volunteer from Green Point-Terrigal Community Centre will be available to assist with filling out forms and providing general JP services. Please phone ahead to confirm availability.
Erina Library
Every Friday, 9.30-11.30am
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7650Wesley Care Finder and Service NSW Seniors information desk
Wesley Care Finder services are provided free of charge and help to support older people who need intensive assistance to access aged care services. Representatives from Wesley Mission and Services NSW will be available to assist with connecting to aged care services. No bookings required.
Woy Woy Library
Second Thursday of each month, 9.30-11am
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7555 -
Exercise Your Brain
Seniors are invited to try out word puzzles and play games designed to sharpen memory and problem-solving skills.
Erina Library
Meets on the first Thursday of each month, 10.30am
Bookings and Enquiries: (02) 4304 7650Kincumber Library
Meets on the first Friday of each month, 10.30am
Bookings and Enquiries: (02) 4304 7641Meditation: Creating Inner Peace
Enjoy a meditation group to develop inner peace, restore your balance and perspective on life. No bookings required.
Woy Woy Library
Every Tuesday, 10-11.30am
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7555 -
Gardening Club
Chat all things gardening, propagation, sharing seeds, and much more. Share and discover simple tips and inspiration from balcony to back yard gardening.
Umina Beach Library
Second Friday of each month, 9.30am
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7333Read Aloud Book Club
Do you enjoy reading aloud? Do you love the sound and rhythm of words and skilful writing? Come along to a book club with a difference.
Woy Woy Library
Second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 2pm
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7555Tao Te Ching Discussion Group
Tao Te Ching (or Dao De Jing) is an ancient Chinese classic written more than 2,500 years ago by Lao Zi . Tao is "the Way", Te means "virtue" and Ching can be translated as a "classic" or "canon". These non-denominational study classes serve to guide people in gaining an appreciation of the philosophy and wisdom of Lao Zi.
Woy Woy Library
Last Saturday of each month (except Easter Saturday), 10am
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7555 -
Knitting and craft groups
Can you knit, crochet, embroider or enjoy creating handmade craftwork? You can meet others and chat about your craft as you work on your projects at one of our knitting groups. Ask in your preferred library branch for details.
Bateau Bay Library
Knit and Knatter
Develop or share your knitting, crochet or embroidery skills with this friendly and creative group. Choose your own project or contribute to a charity project the group is working on.
Meets on second and fourth Friday of each month, 10am
Enquiries: (02) 4350 1580Erina Library
Stitch and Yarn Crafters
Bring along the craft project you are working on, meet new friends, share your ideas and get some creative inspiration. All skill levels welcome, from beginner to expert.
Meets fortnightly on Wednesdays, 10am
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7650Gosford Library
Knit and Natter
Join other knitters for a friendly knit and chat session.
Meets first and third Friday of the month, 9.30am-12pm
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7500Monday Craft Group
Bring along your current craft project, such as tapestry, knitting or crochet, and enjoy a chat while you create.
Meets weekly on Monday, 9-11am (Excluding public holidays)
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7500Kincumber Library
Wrapped With Love Knitting Group
Join our knitting group and help create warming blankets for those in need.
Meets on the second Tuesday of each month, 2-4pm
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7641Lake Haven Library
Knitting Group
Join our weekend knitting group.
Meets fortnightly on Saturday, 9.30am-12.30pm
Enquiries: (02) 4350 1570Umina Beach Library
Umina Beach Knitters
Join other knitters for a friendly knit and chat session.
Meets weekly on Monday, 10am-12pm
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7333Umina Beach Craft Group
Bring along your latest craft project to work on while enjoying a chat with others.
Meets weekly on Wednesday, 10am-12.30pm
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7333 -
One-to-One Tech Help
Having trouble with your smart phone, tablet, eBook or eAudiobook? Library staff can assist you to connect to the internet, Wi-Fi, the eLibrary and more as well as troubleshoot basic technology queries.
Bookings are essential. Call your preferred branch to book an individual 20 minute session.Bateau Bay Library
Available on selected Wednesdays, from 2pm, by appointment
Enquiries: (02) 4350 1580Erina Library
Available on selected Mondays and Thursdays
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7650Gosford Library
Available on selected Mondays and Fridays
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7500Kincumber Library
Weekdays by appointment
Enquiries: (02) 4304 7641Tuggerah Library
Weekdays by appointment
Enquiries: (02) 4350 1560Tech Savvy Seniors
Tech Savvy Seniors is a partnership between the NSW Government and Telstra, providing free or low cost technology training to seniors through NSW public libraries and community colleges.
The program aims to help seniors with little or no digital experience develop skills and confidence in using technology for socialising, accessing services or conducting personal business. Training is fun and hands-on, and includes basic introductory courses on using computers, tablets, smart phones, the internet, email and social media. Please contact the library for session details and to book your place.
Currently running at Tuggerah Library
Wednesday 5, 12, 19, 26 March - bookings essential
Enquiries: (02) 4350 1560 -
Writing Group at Toukley Library
Join the Pen Pushers Writing Group and share writing, receive feedback, talk about writing wins and failures, and have your questions answered.
Meets every second Friday, 10am–12pm
Enquires: (02) 4350 1540